Jalandhar: On Thursday, Deputy Commissioner Dr. Himanshu Aggarwal distributed Rs. 23 lakh in financial assistance to 48 underprivileged children as part of the Social Security Department’s sponsorship scheme. While distributing the cheques to children, Dr. Aggarwal said that under the “Mission Vatsalya Scheme,” children who have lost their parents are provided financial help to ensure.
Senior BJP leader and former Member of Parliament from Patiala Preneet Kaur today thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Central Government for selecting Rajpura as a world-class 12 Greenfield Industrial Smart City project under the National Industrial Corridor. Preneet Kaur said, “I am very happy to announce that one of my promises to the.
Former Punjab MP Simranjit Singh Mann’s statement on actress and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut has stoked a new controversy. The statement of the former MP came in the wake of Kangana Ranaut’s statement against farmers and their movement. “You can ask her (Kangana Ranaut) how rape happens so that people can be explained how rape.
Jalandhar: Senior Superintendent of Police Harkmalpreet Singh Khakh and Additional Deputy Commissioner Amit Mahajan today chaired a district level review meeting on Prevention of Drug Abuse & Narcotics Trade (NCORD). The meeting aimed at reviewing the measures taken by Law Enforcement Agencies and other stakeholders to curb the menace of drug abuse. They took a.
Ludhiana: In Ludhiana’s Sindhi bakers firing incident, The CIA team of Moga police have arrested two scooter-borne assailants following exchange of fire. The police have also recovered two country made pistols along with three live cartridges, two mobile phones and a scooter from their possession. The accused have been identified as Jagmeet Singh alias Meeta.
Tarn Taran: Tarn Taran Police achieved big success as police seized arms and ammunition along with hawala money. The seizure was made by Tarn Taran police who in joint operation with the central agency lead to big seizures. The preliminary information about the same has been shared by Punjab DGP Gaurav Yadav on his X.
Khanna: A young man died in a road accident near Khanna’s village Saloudi in Ludhiana. In the accident, the car lost control and collided with a tree. The car driver, 20-year-old Jaskaran Singh, a resident of Goh, died. The police took the body into custody and started investigating the accident. According to the information, Jaskaran.
Khanna: In a shocking incident, a mentally challenged youth climbed on the railway line canal bridge at Doraha in Khanna, Ludhiana. He first kept walking on the bridge and then suddenly jumped into the canal. Divers immediately pulled him out and saved his life. Railway police have started an investigation. In the initial investigation, it.
Amritsar: Border Security Force troops organised a medical camp for the border population in Amritsar. The medical camp was organised in collaboration with the GND Medical College. In the medical camp, government hospital doctors, and specialists provided all kind of assistance to the patients who came from far-flung areas. This initiative, aimed at benefiting the.
Ludhiana: No respite from incidents of open firing in the state, as another incident has come into light from Ludhiana where two scooter-borne assailants opened fire at the son of the owner of Sindhi Bakers in Rajguru Nagar. It has been learnt that it was after 30 minutes of a failed attempt that the assailants.