New Delhi: The Centre on Wednesday notified the appointment of Justice Harpreet Singh Brar as a permanent Judge of the Punjab and Haryana High Court. The appointment follows the recommendation of the Supreme Court Collegium. According to the notification issued in this regard, in the exercise of the power conferred by clause (1) of Article.
Chandigarh: The former president of Punjab Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) Jasvir Singh Garhi, on Wednesday along with his supporters joined Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). He joined the party along with former general secretaries of BSP Jaspreet Singh and Gurlal Saila and several other supporters. Punjab Chief Minister welcomed Girhi and assured him every possible support.
Chandigarh: The Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh welcomed the decision made by the Union Cabinet meeting 2025 chaired by PM Modi, saying the decisions are farmer friendly and it will ensure the availability of DAP to farmers at affordable and subsidised rates. Expressing his gratitude to PM Modi he said that the thoughtful manner in.
Chandigarh: The Chief Director-cum-Special DGP Varinder Kumar Vigilance Bureau on Wednesday said that the agency has arrested 173 people for taking bribes in different cases in 2024. Kumar said that the arrested individuals include 139 government officials and 34 private people who were caught red-handed while accepting bribes in 134 trap cases. Adopting a zero-tolerance.