Amritsar: Border Security Force (BSF) Vigilant Team continues decimating cross-border smuggling attempts along the Punjab border. BSF officials said that Today, acting on intelligence lead, BSF recovered a 580-gram heroin packet wrapped in yellow adhesive tape near Ballaharwal village in the morning hours. Later, the troops recovered a DJI Mavic 3 Classic Drone near Daoke.
New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday declined to entertain a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) seeking direction to immediately clear the blockage of National as well as state highways in Punjab, and to ensure smooth passage for the general public. A bench of Justices Surya Kant and Manmohan said the similar matter is already pending.
Amritsar: Border Security Force (BSF) shot and killed a suspected Pakistani intruder along the international border in the Amritsar district of Punjab. The intruder had crossed into Indian territory under the cover of night and fog. When BSF personnel noticed suspicious activity, they were compelled to open fire. So far, there has been no request.
New Delhi: The Central Government’s initiative to promote millet-based products has significantly increased local agricultural production and procurement, benefiting farmers, according to Minister of State for Food Processing Industries, Ravneet Singh Bittu, in a statement to the Rajya Sabha on Monday. Initially, 30 participants were enrolled in the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Millet-Based.