Jalandhar: In a breakthrough, Jalandhar Rural Police solved a murder case within five hours of receiving the complaint, leading to the arrest of the main accused. The case involves the murder of a woman whose body was recovered from a pond in the village Atta. The arrested accused has been identified as: Liaqat Ali alias.
The Education Department has started coaching for JEE Mains from last week. For this, IIT Kanpur has developed Artificial Intelligence (AI) based software.
New Delhi: Union Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Hardeep Singh Puri on Monday heaped praise on Prime Minister Narendra Modi for starting various initiatives for the Sikh community, including the operationalisation of the Kartarpur Corridor. “From opening of the Sri Kartarpur Sahib Corridor to painting the fundamental teaching of Sikhism ੴ ‘Ek Onkar’ on.