On Dussehra night, Jalandhar Commissioner of Police Swapan Sharma spearheaded a significant initiative aimed at curbing public drinking and traffic violations, resulting in the arrest of 35 individuals at PPR Mall and the Model Town market. The operation took place between 7:30 PM and 10:30 PM, during which police conducted thorough inspections of shops and.
Amritsar: Punjab’s newly appointed Chief Secretary, KAP Sinha, paid obeisance at Sri Darbar Sahib and Durgiana Mandir in Amritsar on Sunday. During the visit, he was honoured by the Shiromani Committee and Durgiana Mandir Committee. Chief Secretary Sinha expressed his gratitude for being chosen for the new post and sought blessings at the Gurughar. He.
Mumbai: 28 hours after the murder of NCP leader Baba Siddiqui, the Lawrence Bishnoi gang took responsibility for the murder by posting on social media. It wrote, “We will not spare those who help Salman Khan and Dawood.” In this post, Lawrence Bishnoi Group and Anmol Bishnoi have been hashtagged. Lawrence is currently lodged in.
Jalandhar: On the call if Samyukat Kisan Morcha farmers of different organizations have block the Jalandhar Delhi National Highway near Dhannowali. Farmers already announced that they block roads at various locations across the state today. SKM leader Balbir Singh Rajewal stated that it is the first time in Punjab that the government has failed to.
Ludhiana: Unearthing another fake billing scam of Rs 200 crores, the directorate general of GST intelligence (DGGI) Ludhiana arrested the mastermind on Saturday. The accused have been identified Satveer Singh Sekhon. He is said to be engaged in wrongful availment and utilization of ineligible Input Tax Credit of 30.52 Crore without underlying supply of goods.
Ludhiana: An unidentified miscreants allegedly fired shot at the former MLA’s car in Ludhiana. The car belong to former MLA and Congress district Ludhiana president Sanjay Talwar and the incident has occurred at Janpath Enclave, a posh society in city, on South City Road when former MLA Talwar was inside the house. The matter came.
Shambhu (Punjab): There is a divide among the farmers protesting in Shambhu, on the border of Punjab and Haryana. This division has intensified after the BJP’s victory in the Haryana assembly elections. After the Bharatiya Janata Party government regained power in Haryana, many farmer leaders started distancing themselves from Shambhu Morcha. Farmer leaders Manjit Singh.