Jagraon: In a shocking incident a student studying in a private University near the village Chowki Maan in Jagraon city of Punjab jumped from the roof of the university due to which she died. The deceased student has been identified as Kirandeep Kaur daughter of Surjit Singh resident Chakk Kania Kalan.
According to the information, Kirandeep Kaur was a student pursuing BA in CT University. Today she reached the roof of the university and jumped from the roof leading to serious injuries.
Chaos was there among the students as soon as the information of Kirandeep Kaur committing suicide spread. The student was rushed to the hospital, where she succumbed to the injuries.
Police was informed about the incident following which the police party reached the spot and took body into custody. Since it is a matter of suicide, police started the investigation. People present in the hospital said that the deceased had been suffering from depression for a long time and was also undergoing treatment at DMC Ludhiana.