New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Friday morning arrested key associate of Khalistani terrorists Harvinder Sandhu alias Rinda and Lakhbir Singh alias Landa from the UAE. He has been successfully extradited from the UAE. The arrested terrorist is Tarsem Singh from Tarn Taran district of Punjab, who is the real brother of terrorist Lakhbir Landa.
A non-bailable warrant of arrest was issued against Tarsem Singh in June 2023. He was wanted in NIA case RC 37/2022/NIA/. He was a key member of the Babbar Khalsa International (BKI) terrorist organization and an important terror link of terrorists Rinda and Landa in the UAE.
Tarsem was initially picked up in Abu Dhabi in November 2023 after an order was issued by the NIA Special Court and followed by a Red Corner Notice by Interpol. Finally, he was extradited from the UAE to India on Friday in compliance with due procedures of Interpol.
According to the NIA investigation, Tarsem was actively involved in arranging and providing terrorist funds to India-based associates of terrorists Rinda and Landa sitting abroad. The NIA had registered a case on 20 August 2022 taking suo motu cognizance. The case is related to the terrorist activities of the heads and members of banned terrorist organizations like Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF), BKI, International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF) etc.