New Delhi: The Supreme Court has issued a notice to CBI seeking its response in the case related to Ram Rahim’s acquittal in Ranjit Singh murder case. Dera Sacha Sauda manager Ranjit Singh was murdered in 2002. In this case, the CBI court convicted Ram Rahim and sentenced him to life imprisonment but the Punjab and Haryana High Court acquitted Ram Rahim and 4 others in this case on 28 May this year. They were given the benefit of the doubt and Ram Rahim and 4 others were acquitted.
Hearing a petition challenging this order of the High Court, the Supreme Court agreed to investigate it. In this connection, a notice was issued to Ram Rahim and other parties on Monday and they were asked to respond within 4 weeks. The Supreme Court will also examine the judgment of Punjab and Haryana Court.
In fact, a petition was filed in the Supreme Court challenging the High Court’s order of acquitting Ram Rahim and four others in the Ranjit Singh murder case. This petition was filed on behalf of Jagseer Singh by his advocate Satyamitra. In this, the High Court’s order of 28 May was challenged. Hearing the petition, a bench of Justice Bela M Trivedi and Justice Satish Chandra Sharma of the Supreme Court issued notices to Ram Rahim and four others.
The High Court said during the hearing that the CBI, which conducted the investigation in November 2023, failed to establish the motive of the crime and instead the case of the accused party was “shrouded in doubt”. Sirsa-headquartered Dera chief Ram Rahim, who is serving a 20-year jail term for raping his 2 female disciples, is currently lodged in Sunaria jail in Rohtak, Haryana.