Chandigarh: The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB), during its vigorous campaign against corruption in the state, has unearthed a big scam in the Punjab State Pharmacy Council (PSPC) and apprehended two former Registrars and one Superintendent for their involvement in committing severe irregularities related to the registration and issuance of certificates to Pharmacists, allegedly in collaboration with privately owned pharmacy institutions.
Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the state VB said, the arrested individuals are Parveen Kumar Bhardwaj, Dr. Tejbir Singh (both former Registrars), and Ashok Kumar Accountant (presently Superintendent), following their implication in a vigilance enquiry no. 04/2019.
He added that Parveen Kumar Bhardwaj served as Registrar of PSPC on various occasions from 2001 to 2009 and from 24.12.2013 to 25.3.2015, while Dr. Tejbir Singh held the position from 23.8.2013 to 24.12.2013. Ashok Kumar, Accountant, was also involved, according to the findings of the vigilance enquiry.
He further informed that the investigation revealed crucial oversights in the verification process during the registration of Pharmacists. Investigations led to the discovery of numerous fake D-Pharmacy certificates during routine inspections.
It became evident that stringent protocols and mandated educational qualifications were disregarded by the accused Registrars and officials during the admission process for D-Pharmacy courses across 105 pharmacy colleges in the Punjab.