Bhogpur: A young man was shot dead near Bhogpur in Jalandhar district. The deceased has been identified as Jaspal Singh alias Shalu, who was a resident of Bhogpur. The said youth was shot near Moga railway crossing located near Bhogpur. Police have registered a murder case in the matter and detained 4 suspects. The weapon used in the crime has been recovered from the accused. This incident took place around 10:30 pm late night.
According to the information, the four accused shot the youth Jaspal Singh on the head and other parts. The injuries were so severe that he died on the spot. Police of Bhogpur police station have started investigating the case. Police have detained four suspects involved in the incident. Bhogpur police is interrogating them as to why the said accused committed this crime.
SSP Harkamal Preet Singh Khakh of Jalandhar Rural Police said that there was a dispute going on between the two sides for a long time. Due to this enmity, the youth was murdered. The police have taken the body into custody and sent it for postmortem.
Adampur DSP Sumit Sood said that this incident happened late at night around 10:30 pm. The deceased Shalu was returning to his village from Bhogpur City on his bike. During this time, bullets were fired at him near the railway gate, due to which he died. He said that, after the postmortem, it will be known how many bullets the said accused fired at Shalu. However, he refused to say anything about the arrest of the accused and the reason behind it.