Mission Accomplished: Skipper Rohit Sharma poses with trophy, Check latest pictures

The Men in Blue won the 2024 edition of the T20 World Cup after beating South Africa by seven runs at the Kensington Oval in Barbados on Saturday.

Bridgetown: Team India skipper Rohit Sharma posed with the T20 World Cup trophy at a beach in Barbados on Monday.

The Men in Blue won the 2024 edition of the T20 World Cup after beating South Africa by seven runs at the Kensington Oval in Barbados on Saturday.

The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) shared the pictures of Rohit where he was seen posing with the prestigious trophy on the beach.

“A billion dreams, a billion emotions, and a billion smiles! Mission accomplished. World Cup conquered. We are World Champions. Hey, Captain! You’ve done it,” BCCI wrote on X while sharing the pictures.

Here are the pictures shared by BCCI of Rohit Sharma

Rohit Sharma all smiles with the ICC World Cup T20 trophy
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