Tarn Taran (Punjab): The Border Security Force (BSF) along with the Punjab Police recovered a drone from different locations in the border area of Tarn Taran district on Monday, officials said.“On 22nd April 2024, based on information by BSF intelligence set up about the presence of a drone in the border area of Tarn Taran.
New Delhi : In a massive crackdown in the Jammu and Kashmir terror conspiracy case involving Pakistan-backed banned terrorist organisations and their offshoots, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Monday carried out searches at nine locations across Kashmir linked to hybrid terrorists and overground workers of newly-formed offshoots and affiliates of various proscribed terrorist outfits.Several.
Kanker (Chhattisgarh) : A total of 18 Naxals were killed and three security personnel sustained injuries in an encounter that broke out in Chhattisgarh’s Kanker, which lies in the Bastar region, police said.“An encounter broke out between security forces and security personnel. So far, 18 bodies of Naxals have been recovered from an encounter site.
Chandigarh: In a major breakthrough SSOC, Amritsar arrests Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF) operative Prabhpreet Singh Germany from Delhi International Airport. DGP Punjab Police revealed that he was running a terrorist recruitment, funding and aiding module from Germany Punjab Police had got informed over phone from Delhi IGI Airport about the detention of Prabhpreet Singh. A.
New Delhi : The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has escalated its pursuit of individuals associated with the pro-Khalistani gangster-terrorist nexus by confiscating immovable property belonging to designated individual terrorist Ramandeep Singh, known as Raman, in Punjab on Friday.Acting upon directives from a special NIA court in the national capital, the anti-terror agency confiscated the wanted.
New Delhi : The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Friday said that it has arrested the perpetrator and the architect behind the explosion at Rameshwaram cafe in Bengaluru. The two key absconders in the Rameswaram Cafe blast case, identified as Adbul Matheen Taha and Mussavir Hussain Shazeb, were traced out to their hide out near.
Tel Aviv [Israel]: The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) has launched air strikes in the Baalbek region in north-eastern Lebanon on the early hours of Sunday, the Times of Israel reported, citing local Lebanese media outlets.The strike comes following several Hezbollah missile, rocket, and drone attacks on northern Israel over the weekend.Baalbek, an area identified in.
Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir) : Jammu and Kashmir Police, in a joint operation with the security forces, busted a Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terror module on Saturday.Four terror associates were arrested during the operation, the police said, adding that a huge cache of arms was recovered from their possession. “Srinagar Police alongwith SF’s busted JeM #terror module,.
Gwadar (Pakisstan): Multiple blasts occurred after armed assailants forcibly entered Pakistan’s Gwadar Port Authority Complex, Dawn reported, citing Makran Commissioner Saeed Ahmed Umrani.Following the attack and reported open firing on the port, a large contingent of police and security forces has reached the scene while intense firing is ongoing.No casualties have been reported so far.Meanwhile,.
Ludhiana: The Ludhiana police in Punjab have apprehended nine gangsters from Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh. All of them were involved in a gang war that took place on February 20 and are associates of Shubham Arora, also known as Mota Gang. The police were able to nab the culprits with the aid of Safe City cameras.