Weather may change in Haryana from Friday night. South-western winds coming from Rajasthan will change into eastern winds entering Haryana from tonight.
Scorching heat is troubling people of whole country. 79 people died on Thursday (30 May) due to heatwave in 7 states of the country. Bihar has the highest number of deaths at 44.
Heat has broken all previous records in Himachal Pradesh. Meanwhile, it rained in Shimla at 12 noon on Wednesday. Due to this, Shimla residents have got relief from the heat.
The period of severe heat continues in Haryana on the sixth day of Nautapa. There are 10 districts of the state where the maximum temperature of the day is above 48 degrees.
Wednesday is the fifth day of Nautapa. The mercury is also close to 48 degrees in Bihar. 80 children fainted in 8 districts on Wednesday because of heatstroke. A heatwave alert has been issued for two days in the state.