A major action by Faridabad Vigilance Team against corruption has been taken in Palwal City Police Station. Vigilance team arrested ASI Mahendra posted at Palwal City police station red handed while taking a bribe of ₹ 20000. The action was taken under the leadership of Inspector Naresh Kumar of Faridabad Vigilance Team. The accused ASI was demanding bribe from the accused car driver to get him out of the case in a road accident case. At the same time, the team of Faridabad Vigilance has gone to Faridabad taking the accused ASI with itself.
The Vigilance laid a trap under which the victim gave bribe of said amount to him. Later, the victim signaled the team, as soon as the team received the signal, they reached the spot and arrested the accused ASI red handed with the money. The Vigilance team overpowered the ASI and took him to Faridabad Vigilance police station.